
Scott received his Gamma Knife (GK) treatment last Friday and has started two different chemo treatments this week. As for the GK, everything went very well. They did an MRI just prior to the treatment and found more tumor growth. Although it's scary and a bit discouraging, no one was shocked at this finding, given the history of the tumor. Luckily, the growth was all still in the same area of the recent surgery so they were able to cover the entire tumor area with the GK radiation. This new growth has certainly contributed to his recent language difficulties, fatigue, and small seizures. We are happy to report that the small seizures have stopped!

Since beginning the brain cancer battle a year ago this is one of the toughest places we've been in yet. Scott and I are still believing and praying for a miracle although at times that is very hard to do. Often, it is only through the strength and encouragement of others that we can remain hopeful and keep our eyes on God. Scott can't read or write and language can be very hard but we're starting our at-home therapy work. I help him with many things but neither of us mind that. I'm honored to be the one who gets to help him and I think I just love him more every day. Thank God Scott still has his sense of humor. The other day, he was trying to say something and it was such a struggle. ALL the words came out terribly mixed up, so he intentionally began speaking jibberish in this comical swedish accent. He had us all cracking up! I love that about him.

His IV chemo started on Friday and he's also taking another oral chemo every day. I give him over 20 pills a day!! Yikes. We both hate that. So far he's tolerated the IV chemo very well and we have to wait and see how he'll tolerate the oral chemo.

Scott's Birthday was on the 2nd and we had a great little celebration at home with Josephine, his mom, and my sister Mindy. Also, I'm beginning to feel our new little boy kicking and moving around. Scott and I are really excited about welcoming him into the world in just over 4 months!

I'll keep you posted on everything as we go.



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