
1. Our car has been replaced. God totally provided us with a great car to replace the burned up minivan! There was a couple out there who had been praying for God to bring along someone really in need of a car. They received our email and soon we'll be getting a great used car!!

2. Scott's toe is getting better but my veins are worse.

3. Scott's health has been like roller coaster lately, at this time he's doing a little better again and very determined to remain on that path. He had an MRI last week and we found out yesterday that there's good news/bad news. Good news is his doctors are very happy about how he's doing today compared to 3 months ago. Bad news is there does appear to be some continuing tumor activity. No one knows what could happen next, we have to wait and see.

4. Scott's been on steroids a long time and it's taking a hard toll on his body. Because he's been on steroids so long, they are causing severe side effects like constant hand tremors, muscle deterioration and lots of bloating. At this time, the steroids are absolutely necessary for his brain to function the best it can. They keep down swelling in his brain. Every time we try to decrease them the result is increased brain swelling which leaves him with profound language difficulties and confusion in simple daily functions. No easy solutions here only a prayer for the swelling in his brain to decrease so we can get him off the steroids.

5. Leaving you with another glory story. The other day started out very upsetting. I spent the previous night watching over our daughter Josephine who was sick with the flu and a high fever. In the morning I went to take a short nap but forgot to turn off our house alarm. Scott set it off and he couldn't remember the code. I got to it too late and the police had already been dispatched. Two officers, a man and a woman, with bullet proof vests and guns showed up and I explained what happened. They were full of compassion and more concerned about how Scott was than anything. One officer asked Scott how he was doing and, no surprise to any of us, Scott's response was that we are still praying. They were overjoyed at hearing him say this and at that moment we all felt the presence of the Lord. The next thing you know, these two officers came in our house, placed their hands on Scott and began praying for God to heal him. Can you believe it!! Two Chicago police officers, from our neighborhood (it's a little rough over here if you didn't know), standing inside our house are praying for Scott. It was powerful and just what we needed. As fast as they came, they left.

6. I have no clue what God is doing or allowing or planning for us these days. I've stopped trying to figure it out. All I know is I can still hold onto hope and pray because somehow I still believe that God is sufficient and cares about us. I'm sure Scott's determination and faith have a lot to do with that. He's always inspiring me and keeping my faith alive.


At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that your updates are so inspiring to me. I knew Scott as an aquaintance from swing dancing and met Michele once or twice. I think our daughter's are very close in age (ours is 16 months old). I am so heart broken yet touched by your story. You are so faithful to God and He has been with you to give you strength. I've shared your story with some of my friends from my daughter's playgroup and asked whether they knew of anyone with a car to get rid of. (I'm glad you found one). Though I barely know you and unfortunately don't live very close to you, I am certainly thinking of you often and you are all in my prayers.
Scott always stood out to me as a special person. He is so kind, beyond expectations. You could sense he was different than most, a man of strong faith.
I am so much more grateful to God for what He has given our family than I have ever been. I have prayed that He work through me in some way to help support others in their difficult times.
At the very least, know there is another caring person out there who thinks of your family often. Again I don't live very close, but let me know if you need anything I can give from the far NW burbs.
Michele, I think we are due to have our babies around the same time (I'm due July 9). I hope that your veins improve and that you get some much needed relief. Take good care of yourself as well as Scott and Josephine!


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