Hello Everyone,
Michele has asked me to pass on some news as well as give you some info that many of you have asked about.
First of all, Michele says, "Scott's health has continued to get worse so it's become necessary for us to enter into hospice care. They have been wonderfully helpful." To expand just a little bit, Scott is still at home, but his care there has changed.
Secondly, many of you have asked, "Is there any way that we can help the Grays financially?" Scott's cousin, Bob Rogers, has set up a Trust Fund for them. If you would like to send a check, please send it to:
Franklin Square Office
515 Franklin Square
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
Attached is a letter that Bob has written full of encouragement for those who may wish to give. As you all know Scott and Michele have a deep faith in Jesus Christ, and Bob does too. His note is full of praise, thanksgiving, comfort and Christian imagery. I believe most of you will appreciate and be encouraged by his words. If you wish, please take a moment to read it. If not, all the information you need is listed above.
Finally, I spoke with Michele today and , as always, she was expressing her amazement at how people have been so kind and loving during this time. She and Scott do not want anyone to feel obligated to give. So many have done so much already. This note is merely getting the word out that there is a vehicle for those who want to give financially.
Blessing to all of you!!
We’re praying for you guys… keep trusting in Him, no matter what.
(dedicated to Tom Moore – and now Scott Gray)
You’ve journeyed long against this rising tide
And the storm – it’s blown hard against your soul
I’ve watched the pain come heavy to your eyes
The words to say - so hard to know
But now your Lord holds you in this place
And he waits for the glory of your soul
To rise once more and look upon his face
To touch his love and all you’re destined for
So rest awhile…rest awhile
And let his grace meet you here, just keep…
Waiting for the change
When the sting is felt no more
Waiting for the change
When all He suffered for
Is found in you, and you are found in Him
Perhaps it won’t be long…
Just keep waiting for the change
Do not fear that your world will pass you by
For he will give it back to you anew
And what looks to us the end of hopes and dreams
Is just the start of all things becoming new
So rest awhile…rest awhile
For our lives have yet begun, just keep…
Waiting for the change
When the sting is felt no more
Waiting for the change
When all He suffered for
Is found in you, and you are found in Him
Perhaps it won’t be long…
Just keep waiting for the change
The longings of creation mingle with our own
Until the Lord returns to heal this broken world
So together you and I, we’ll keep…
Waiting for the change
When the sting is felt no more
Waiting for the change
When all He suffered for
Is found in you, and you are found in Him
Perhaps It won’t be long…
Just keep waiting for the change
…for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory. "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
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