Since the last update, Scott's health has taken a rapid decline. I now have an excellent caregiver to help me with Scott 12 hours a day. Thank you for praying about that. His strength has left him, he sleeps most of the day and night and has very little response to us. He is not in any pain and his sleep is very peaceful.
This past week, as he became more and more dependent on us and unable to care for himself, it was frustrating for him. He was able to tell me that he knew God didn't want to keep him this way long. This gave me such peace. I know he is right and I feel that the time is coming soon where God is going to restore him (one way or another). His love and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ has never ever waned. I know that God can do a miracle and heal him physically, even now. But, I am also fully aware that Scott's healing may come through his death. I have not given up hope for a miracle but I have accepted the reality that God may have a different plan.
God has been comforting me with the knowledge that Scott may soon be restored in heaven. All I can say is God has shown us such mercy and grace throughout this entire journey, the hardest part is happening now, is seeing Scott so weak and helpless. I can't wait to have the peace of knowing that Scott has been restored to wholeness, healed fully, in a place where all his heart and soul and voice and strength will be praising and serving the Lord on high once again!!! This is what we live for. Again and again, throughout this battle, Scott would say, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21 And this is how Scott lived. He lived for Christ, everyday, and he knew that someday in death he would receive the promise of eternal life in heaven. This is comfort to me. I even think that everything Scott said about God having more for him to do, is going to be revealed for Scott in heaven. I'm sure that God must have something very important for Scott to do and someday I and the kids will get to find out what that is.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Your love has sustained us.
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