Hi Everyone!
It's been an interesting month as I've gone through a different procedure of chemotherapy. I thought everything would kind of sort itself out on a time basis but I've felt like my experience has been more like a random roll of the dice!
The program is a 28 day system lined out like this:
1st Five Days - 400mg of Temodar (a huge increase from the daily 150mg dose I took during radiation.)
Next 23 Days - No doses!
Now here's the tricky part. I'd thought the first five days would be tough and then everything would smooth out after that. Kinda. The first three days are OK, but the next five or six days after that are quite rough. At this point I need to sleep a LOT and have had a somewhat upset tummy (although I haven't had that overcome me yet!) I do start to feel generally better about 3 - 4 days after I take the chemo.
During this next period however, it seems to be a random and not sequential improvement in my symptoms from the chemo ingestion days (and the few days after) that I thought it would be. Some days are great, some I'm just sleepy where I have to sleep MOST of the day, and others I'm hanging in there without a normal pile of energy but am able to get some work done anyway. Nausea comes generally in the evening so I don't eat much at dinner time every night but sometimes I do.
Well, that's kind of a general outline of my story at the moment. Not very consistent is it! I'm hoping and praying this month will go easier than last. I start my next 28 days tonight!
Thank you to everyone for your continued love, support and prayers. I know you are praying for me, my family and my healing and I am so grateful. Hooya! You mean so much to me and I'm certainly humbled before God because of you. The LORD is good. Thank you!