Hello Everyone,
Here are some final thoughts on how I’m making sense out of all of this. Scott and I have always believed that God gives every marriage a purpose for serving Him. We had thought that maybe we would teach a class together or help young couples with pre-marital counseling. Now I know for certain that a big part of God’s purpose for our marriage was to go through this battle with brain cancer and share our experience with all of you. Thank you for letting us do that and giving us so much support along the way.
Looking ahead, our little family has a lot of changes to adjust to over this next year and beyond. My hope and strength still rests in the God that has much more for me to do. First I’m called to be a mother to our little ones and then I’m praying about how God is going to continue to use this experience to help others and serve Him.
This is a very hard time for me. Josephine and I are taking things one day at a time and grieving the loss of my honey and her dada. Josephine has needed a lot of stability around her and she still asks to “go see dada” so we’re working though that. I am so grateful to be surrounded by the love and compassion of caring people who are helping me emotionally, spiritually, and practically. I’m amazed at how busy I am getting things squared away legally and financially while preparing our home for the coming baby. I can’t wait to meet him!
I have one more request from all of you that would mean so much to me and the kids!! I’m gathering together things for the children that will teach them more about who their father was. I would love it if you could send me any stories, short or long, funny or serious, on your memories or experience with knowing Scott. I’m going to put them together and give it to them at the appropriate time when they are older. Thanks so so much. You can send the stories back to me here or send them to me at home, 1751 N. Talman Ave. Chicago, IL 60647. Thank you.
All our love to you,
Michele, Josephine and Baby Gray